This project is made as a e-Twinning project. All the stages are planned by the project partners.
Here is some information about the project:
The Project aims to make the people aware about the today’s problems such as pollution, abuse, discrimination, etc. The students will write a letter to future generations in order to make them aware of these problems and to tell them not to do the same mistakes we have done so far. The students will be able to evaluate their and others’ lifestyle and find their mistakes to give advice to the future generations. Moreover, they will be aware of the fact that there will be others who will live on the same planet as they have and be more sensitive and responsible about their behaviours. Thus, they will use the resources more carefully and protect the environment. Even, they will be more productive for the future generations.
The students will;
- Evaluate their lifestyles and give advices to future generations about what they should or shouldn’t do.
- Think and be more aware about the future of the world.
- Gain awareness about the idea that there will be others who will live on the same planet, so they will use the resources more consciously and protect the environment accordingly.
- Feel more sensitive and responsible about the environment and resources.
- Be more productive and constructive for the future world and generations.
The students will;
- Think about the heritages we will leave to the future generations and make discussions about the mistakes they do today about the usage of the resources, the protection of the environment, their behaviours towards people from different cultures, nations, religions, gender identities, etc.
- Talk about how to fix their mistakes.
- Do brain storming about what they want to write to the future generations if they have a chance to leave a time capsule to future generations.
- vote about which year they want to send a message to.
- Write a letter to future generations (They can talk about their lifestyles, today’s fashion, behaviours to others, up-to-date information, news, their mistakes, their advices, etc.).
- Put their letters into the time capsule (They can also put up-to-date magazines, newspapers, money, photograph, etc. into the time capsule).
The students will bury the time capsule in a place they will choose and decide on a date they want to leave. The students prepare a permanent note and put it the place where the time capsule buried. The activities will be shared on an open TwinSpace. Moreoever, the students will prepare a booklet about the common messages which will be chosen from a poll in order to generalise the message of the project. It is also planned to create a website where all people from all the world can leave a message to the future generations.
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