Lycée Brocéliande
in the
“Time capsule:
leave a message to the future”
Motivated students
Let’s begin with introducing our team:
Our seven students first introduced themselves, using diversified 2.0 web tools
As for examples some introductions, showing each student’s sensibility:
Some of the tasks
At first we proceeded to an online brainstorming within our team since we were in a remote learning
Logo’s contest. Each student prepared a logo susceptible to representing our project. A vote was organised in order to choose the best one.
Preparing slogans. Our students are really concerned by the climate change issues.
The students were then split into five international teams and had to write a collaborative story.
Students wrote some “hope appeals”. A mosaic picture was created with all the created infographics
all along the project:
Letter to the future
Each student wrote his/her letter to the future, that will be buried in the time capsule. Opening in 2030!!
Each work made by the students, and uploaded on the Twinspace was a basis for a collaborative work.
Students could gain therefore in autonomy
They improved their writing skills
They improved their ability to talk in English.
Several online meetings with both students and teachers and a chat room have been organized to
close our project,
During the chat, we asked our students what would be the next project they would like to be involved in.
Animal Welfare was the answer.
2 eTwinning projects come together in this event. Wellness 4 Eating, Exercising, Education &
eMotional Learning & Time Capsule: Leave a Message to the Future collaborate to co-create
a Live Webinar on the subject; Justice 4 the Wellness & Happiness in the world.
e-safety and eTwinning day
e-safety, was always in our mind
We celebrated the eTwinning day.
We are sad to leave this project, however, ready to meet again our partners in a new eTwinning project!
Amazing !!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Isabel!!