Group 5: TIME CAPSULE: THE STORY Chapter 1: WE FOUND A STRANGE THING IN THE SCHOOL YARD It was a simple day at school and we were playing in the y ard when we found a hidden box behind of a tree. We opened the box and there was a letter with a very transcend message in it. And for our surprise, it was directed to us. We were so happy that they left it for us. Chapter 2: A MESSAGE? "We are talking to you from the past, for being more concrete , from the 2021.Our objective is helping you to improve your values and solve the social issues." Thats what the message said. We were interested and curious. Chapter 3: WHAT TO DO NOW We decided to do the things that written in the mesagge. My advice for you is to rec y cle, take care of the planet and the ocean ., and to be happy about little things in life. Chapter 4: THE FUTURE We decided to follow the advices from the capsule and to try to take care of the enviroment and the Earth. Because our World is const...