
Showing posts from March, 2021


  Group 5:  TIME CAPSULE: THE STORY Chapter 1: WE FOUND A STRANGE THING IN THE SCHOOL YARD It was a simple day at school and we were playing in the y ard when we found a hidden box behind of a tree. We opened the box and there was a letter with a very transcend message in it. And for our surprise, it was directed to us.  We were so happy that they left it for us. Chapter 2: A MESSAGE? "We are talking to you from the past, for being more concrete , from the 2021.Our objective is helping you to improve your values and solve the social issues."  Thats what the message said. We were interested and curious. Chapter 3: WHAT TO DO NOW We decided to do the things that written in the mesagge.  My advice for you is to rec y cle, take care of the planet and the ocean ., and to be happy about little things in life. Chapter 4: THE FUTURE We decided to follow the advices from the capsule and to try to take care of the enviroment and the Earth.  Because our World is const...


 Group 4 TIME CAPSULE: THE STORY Chapter 1: WE FOUND A STRANGE THING IN THE SCHOOL  YARD The object we found was strange and its appearance suggests that it was several years old.  It was   a capsule we did know what it was and we were s u rprised . We didnt know how to react or what to do with it.  We decided to open it and find out what it was.  Chapter 2: A MESSAGE? We found a message in a bottle. It was written 15 years ago. We were pleasantly surprised to find it. We are happy to be the generation that discovered this. However, I felt nervous about what to do with it,  this post was hardly reassuring and at the same time we were all anxious to know what was in it. Chapter 3: WHAT TO DO NOW We Didn't Know What to Do. We read the Letter and It was written during the Pandemic . We wanted to investigate the events of that time as much as possible.  We wondered what happened at that time. At that time, we tried to gather information about the pand...


  GROUP 3   :  TIME CAPSULE: THE STORY Chapter  1:  WE FOUND SOMETHING FOREIGN IN THE SCHOOL GARDEN, We were in our schoolyard when we found something on the ground. It was a weird thing and looked like a bottle with something inside. We were both scared and curious at the same time. We picked it up from the ground and opened it. It was hard to open but we finally made it   .  Chapter 2: THE MESSAGE? I nside the bottle was a very small hourglass and next to the letter three pills that looked like medicine.     Chapter 3: WHAT TO DO NOW  . WE MUST OPEN THE LETTER AND READ TO  BE ABLE TO SEE WHAT IS WRITTEN INSIDE, MAYBE SOMEONE ELSE IS HIDDEN  .  Chapter 4: THE FUTURE  WE MUST RETURN WHERE WE FOUND IT  MAYBE ONE DAY SOMEONE WILL DISCOVER THIS MYSTERY , maybe it won't discovered for a long time ..... Chapter 5 : ITS A VERY IMPORTANT LETTER. Someone says we shouldn't read it. Someone says we absolutely read it. WHAT...


  Group 2 Chapter 1:  One day, we were in the garden with the servant and I saw something strange next to the flowers. Then we took it and we were sure: it was a bottle! Chapter 2: The message? There is a message written on an old piece of paper in the box. When we first found it, we thought that it was a treasure map.  Chapter 3: WHAT SHOULD BE DONE NOW? It was really weird. After opening it, we got very confused and we decided to read the old note. Chapter 4: THE FUTURE Reading the note and looking at what was inside that bottle was a strange experience. We have never seen a time capsule before . Chapter  5: Reading the note we discovered that it was written by a girl, about 20 year ago , Lucia and when she wrote the letter, she was in high school. At the end of the letter we found her address, and we wanted to communicate with her. Chapter   6:  We went to the nearest bus stop and took the bus to his town. When we finally got to his house, we knocked on ...


TIME CAPSULE: THE STORY CHAPTER 1: WE FOUND SOMETHING FOREIGN IN THE SCHOOL GARDEN, We opened the box and found a lot of different objects. The artichoke looked very old. Old Magazines, An Old Notebook From 1980, We saw An Old Pen. It has been suggested that we were buried here most likely finished in the past. Among the many objects was a message. The message was collected and tied with a beautiful red ribbon. The message was found in a bottle by a boy at sea. CHAPTER 2: MESSAGE? We opened the box and found a lot of different objects. The artichoke looked very old. Old Magazines, An Old Notebook From 1980, We swa An Old Pen. It was so fascinating that we were thrilled to find it. The message was wrapped and tied with a beautiful red ribbon. We can read the letter clearly, the letter was not ruined in. CHAPTER 3: WHAT SHOULD BE DONE NOW? We opened the message. the message was written by a person from the past. that diary told us everything about life. We thought about what to do with ...

Here are results of brainstorming activities!

 1. WHAT CAN WE PUT IN THE TIME CAPSULE? • We can put a few items or images of events that have marked today. For example, mask and disinfectant • some actual problem, how it did appear and how we think it will be in the future, for example: equality (between men and women) • In our time capsule we can put cigarette butts, plastic bottle, article on the extinction of koalas due to climate change, deodorant spray, coffee capsule, micro plastic taken from the beach, photo of plastic island, fire in Australia, Amazon forest fire and polar bear undernourished for climate change • We can put Photos and articles • We can put a watch because it is symbol of time. • We can write a short article • we can write about events, add some photos and articles. • We can put some posters, drawings, photos or maybe money in the time capsule. • we can put drawings, photos, poster ;) • We can put things or letters in our time capsule • In our letter we can write about the events...


 In February, we did some brainstorming activities on these questions: 1.  What can we put in our time capsule? 2.  What can we write about in our letter? 3.  What date should our time capsule be opened? Why? Secondly, we created international groups and they imagined themselves in the future when they found the time capsule. They created an original story about these questions: 1. How is this world?  2. How did they find the capsule?  3. What do they feel about this situation? Thirdly, the students prepared a presentation or video about their messages to the future. So, we will co-create a video at the end. Here are the videos shared by the students:


 In January, we made contact meetings with our partners, students and parents. Later we got the permission slips from the parents, which are very important for the students privacy.  We start our journey by creating some interesting profiles on e-Twinning and preparing a presentation about our schools, city and country. You can find these presentations on this link: Lastly we shared our ideas about Netiquette and e-safety tools. Here are the sharings from our students:


  TIME CAPSULE: "LEAVE A MESSAGE TO THE FUTURE" This project is made as a e-Twinning project. All the stages are planned by the project partners. Here is some information about the project: ABOUT THE PROJECT: The Project aims to make the people aware about the today’s problems such as pollution, abuse, discrimination, etc. The students will write a letter to future generations in order to make them aware of these problems and to tell them not to do the same mistakes we have done so far. The students will be able to evaluate their and others’ lifestyle and find their mistakes to give advice to the future generations. Moreover, they will be aware of the fact that there will be others who will live on the same planet as they have and be more sensitive and responsible about their behaviours. Thus, they will use the resources more carefully and protect the environment. Even, they will be more productive for the future generations.   AIMS: The students will; Evaluate their lifestyl...